Sorlien, Leon | Nordic

Name: Sorlien, Leon

Historical Note:

Sorlien was born May 22, 1899 in Bode, Iowa. He received his bachelor’s degree from Luther College in 1921 and a master’s degree from Northwestern University in 1946.  He was the founder of the Fargo Central High School Band and held the position of director for 24 years.  During his directorship at Fargo Central High, Sorlien composed several songs and marches for the school and surrounding schools and clubs.


Sorlien ble født 22. mai 1899 i Bode, Iowa. Han tok bachelorgraden ved Luther College i 1921 og mastergraden ved Northwestern University i 1946. Han var grunnleggeren av Fargo Central High School Band og var dirigent for korpset i 24 år. Som dirigent komponerte Sorlien flere sanger og marsjer for skolen og også for andre skoler og klubber i området.