Ylvisaker, Sigurd C. (1884-1959) | Nordic

Name: Ylvisaker, Sigurd C. (1884-1959)
Variant Name: Ylvisaker, Sigurd Christian

Historical Note:

Ylvisaker was born in Madison, Wisconsin on June 15, 1884.  He graduated from Luther College in 1903.  He also received his CT from Luther Seminary and his PhD from the University of Leipzig.  He was a pastor in North Dakota and Illinois before returning to Luther to teach Greek, Hebrew, and Christianity from 1911 to 1919.  At that time, he left Luther to teach Greek and Hebrew at Concordia College in St. Paul, Minnesota. In 1930, he became president of Bethany Lutheran College in Mankato, Minnesota.


Ylvisaker ble født i Madison, Wisconsin, 15. juni 1884. Han gikk ut fra Luther College i 1903. Han tok også en CT ved Luther Seminary og en PhD ved University of Leipzig. Han var prest i Nord Dakota og i Illinois før han kom tilbake til Luther og underviste i gresk, hebraisk og kristendom fra 1911 til 1919. I 1919 forlot han Luther og underviste i gresk og hebraisk på Concordia Junior College i St. Paul, Minnesota. I  1930 ble han president ved Bethany Lutheran College i Mankato.