Alfsen, Adolph (1848-1937) | Nordic

Name: Alfsen, Adolph (1848-1937)
Variant Name: Adolph O. Alfsen
Fuller Form: Adolph Odin Alfsen

Historical Note: Adolph O. Alfsen was born on July 6, 1848 in Trondhjem, Norway. He immigrated to the United States with his family in 1860. Alfsen enrolled at Luther College in 1863, graduating in 1869. He then attended Concordia Seminary, graduating in 1872 and was ordained that same year. Rev. Alfsen spent the majority of his pastoral career at the Gjerpen and Valders Lutheran Churches in Manitowoc County, Wisconsin (1873-1917).

Luther College Through Sixty Years.

Who's Who Among Pastors in All the Norwegian Lutheran Synods of America, 1843-1927

Norske lutherske menigheter i Amerika, 1843-1916

Note Author: Hayley Jackson