Magelssen, Jacob Wright (1843-1931) | Nordic
Name: Magelssen, Jacob Wright (1843-1931)
Historical Note:
Magelssen studied medicine for three years at Rush Medical College in Chicago. He established his practice in Koshkonong, Wisconsin, where he bought Doctor Hanson's home and twenty acres of land, and practiced there until 1873. At that time he moved to Rushford, Minnesota. He married twice and had ten children. His second wife was Thora Larsen, daughter of Laur. Larsen. Magelssen died in 1931.
Magelssen studerte medisin i tre år ved Rush Medical College i Chicago. Han etablerte sin egen praksis i Koshkonong, Wisconsin og ble der til 1873, da han flyttet til Rushford, Minnesota. Han var gift to ganger og hadde i alt ti barn. Magelssen døde i 1931.
Sources: Adapted from original collection description.