Weilgart, John (b. 1913) | Nordic

Name: Weilgart, John (b. 1913)
Variant Name: Weilgart, John W.; Weilgart, Wolf; Weilgart, Wolfgang J.; Weilgart W. John
Fuller Form: Weilgart, Wolfgang John

Historical Note:

Dr. W. John Weilgart was born in 1913 in Austria. He graduated from the University of Zurich with a degree in experimental psychology and received a PhD from the University of Vienna. Dr. Weilgart taught at several institutions including the University of Portland, Mills College, Xavier University, Notre Dame University, and California Lutheran College before joining the faculty at Luther College in 1964. He taught psychology at Luther until he retired in 1978.

While most of his professional career was devoted to psychology, Dr. Weilgart was very interested in in languages. He studied several and  devoted several years to developing a universal language which he called the aUI: Language of Space. Composed of 31 symbols, the language is intended to be easy to learn and adaptable to linguistic patterns of several existing languages. He would publish 4 editions of his book aUI: The Language of Space and additional works regarding this language throughout his career including Cosmic Elements of Meaning: Symbols of the Spirit's Life (1975) and Peace Thru People: A Human Philosophy of Survival for the Pan-Atomic Age (1977).

Dr. Weilgart passed away in January 1981.


Kloster, C. G. (1981) "In Memoriam: Dr. W. John Weilgart," Proceedings of the Iowa Academy of Science, 88(2),. Available at: https://scholarworks.uni.edu/pias/vol88/iss3/5

"Dr. Weilgart's Story," https://auilanguage.space/Dr-weilgart/story

Note Author: Hayley Jackson